Preparing for a hydrogen future

There’s a great saying - “When opportunity knocks, you have to answer the door!”

Hydrogen, in particular Green Hydrogen, is such an opportunity that Hydro Tasmania is gearing up to not only answer, but to position our state as a global leader by making the most of our natural renewable advantage.

The important thing though, is that we have the skills required to maximise the opportunity not just for industry, but for every day Tasmanians. This industry will require a “new workforce” with a skill level comparable to the petrochemical industry (safe, pressurised systems, hi-tech equip and monitoring, clean workplaces, etc). Important for a diverse range of Tasmanians to put their hands up for the upskilling required to ensure local communities maximise the generational benefits of this new industry.

What skills do we need?

KEEN Partners remains excited by the potential for a Hydrogen Industry to be established in Tasmania and in particular, Bell Bay. One part of ensuring skilled workers are available sits with the formalisation of the industry qualifications. KEEN encourages any potential stakeholder to make a submission to the Australian Industry Standards (AIS) before 29th January. We draw particular reference to the six new Units of Competency which have been drafted specifically for hydrogen gas.

More about Hydrogen

What is hydrogen?
(information from Hydro Tasmania)

Hydrogen is gaining unprecedented global attention as being a key enabler of a clean, secure and affordable energy future. Hydrogen is a molecule that is usually in a gas form (though can also be a liquid) and is quite abundant, for example it’s found in water in the form of H2O, along with oxygen. Hydrogen can be used as traditional natural gas is used, usually combusted or can be used to create electricity, for example converting hydrogen gas into electricity on board a truck to drive the electric motors.

Why is it important to Tasmania?

Tasmania will be the first Australian state to be self-sufficient in renewable power generation, this means that if Hydrogen were to be produced here it would utilise hydropower or wind power to create ‘green’ hydrogen. This green hydrogen is in high demand as markets around the world are looking to transition to low carbon energy sources.

Tasmania also has strong competitive advantages, because not only would the hydrogen produced here be ‘green’, but it can be produced for approximately 10 to 15 per cent less cost than other Australian power grid. Tasmania’s water resources, skilled workers and strong electricity grid are other benefits to producing hydrogen in Tasmania. A hydrogen industry would create additional Tasmanian industry and provide skilled job opportunities.

hydrogen production hydro tasmania

Stakeholder feedback on Hydrogen


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