Stakeholder feedback on Hydrogen
On behalf of the Gas Industry Reference Committee, the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) has drafted materials for this project to address skills needs of gas technicians working with hydrogen and is requesting stakeholder feedback.
The materials include six new Units of Competency, three new Skill Sets and 13 updated existing Units of Competency.
The new units and Skill Sets are drafted specifically for hydrogen gas, whilst the existing units were updated to allow for hydrogen contextualisation as well as other gases. You can download all the units here.
KEEN Partners remains excited by the potential for a Hydrogen Industry to be established in Tasmania and in particular, Bell Bay. One part of ensuring skilled workers are available sits with the formalisation of the industry qualifications. KEEN encourages any potential stakeholder to make a submission to the Australian Industry Standards (AIS) before 29th January. We draw particular reference to the six new Units of Competency which have been drafted specifically for hydrogen gas.