Keep up to date with the latest news and industry stories at KEEN Partners.
Testimonial from Tasmanian Minerals Manufacturing and Energy Council (TMEC)
We helped our industry partner TMEC find a new admin assistant.
An admirable and worthy vision…
The privilege and vision we share as a friend of Aunty Patsy and Melythina Tiakana Warrana Aboriginal Corporation (MTWAC).
KEEN Partners Update - October 2022
From a humble beginning in a small room in George Town to state-wide employees and three offices, what a journey it has been so far.
KEEN partnership with the Migrant Resource Centre (MRC) Northern Tasmania
KEEN Partners is excited to be partnering with the Migrant Resource Centre (MRC) Northern Tasmania in a pathway to employment program in the building and construction sector.
We must turn this apprenticeship spiral around…
Across Australia, apprenticeship completion rates are getting worse, here's what KEEN are doing to turn that spiral around.
Tasmania welcomes a 17% increase in Vocational Education Training places in 2021 more than triple the national average.
North-west office now open
The new office at 2 De Boer Road in Ridgley is strategically placed to best serve our industry partners and NW employees.
Boosting Apprenticeships Wage Subsidies
The Boosting Apprenticeships is now the Australian Apprenticeship Incentive Scheme.
Introducing Jannah Digby to the KEEN team
Jannah Digby joins the team with a world of experience in connecting people with great roles, and now she is part of the KEEN Team.
Cultural Sensitivity and Awareness Program
An opportunity for organisations and employers in the region to connect and learn about First Nations people, culture and connection to country.
Apprenticeship and Traineeship - What Makes These Ideal
Many people are eager to get into building their experience and honing practical skills. In those cases, Australia's workforce can meet this through its many available apprenticeships as well as opportunities for a traineeship.
Hire Apprentices Easily with Group Training Organisations
Group Training Organisations, or GTOs, have become a popular alternative among hundreds of businesses. Here's what you need to know if you haven't heard of it or only know a bit about it to make your apprentice recruiting process go more smoothly.
6 Reasons Why You Should Work for a Labour Hire Company
Labour hire companies are essential in providing businesses with a steady source of both skilled and unskilled labour.
New North West Tasmania Job Ready Program
Applications will be accepted from employers whose business operates in one of the following sectors: Energy and Infrastructure; Accommodation and Food Services; Building and Construction; Advanced Manufacturing; Mining; Information and Communications Technology; Aged Services; Disability Services; Agriculture; Aquaculture; and Transport and Logistics.
4 Compelling Benefits of Flexible Work Arrangements
What exactly are the benefits of flexible working environments for employees? In this article, we’ll shed light on that. Read on below to learn more.
Boosting Apprenticeship Commencements (BAC) Wage Subsidy
Any business that engages an Australian Apprentice or Trainee before 31 March 2022 may be eligible for a subsidy of 50% of the wages paid to this employee for a 12-month period. That could be up to $28,000 over 12 months per apprentice or trainee! And yes, you can access this through KEEN.
What You Need to Know About Group Training Organisations
One way to achieve better outcomes is for Australian apprentices to undergo training under GTOs, or Group Training Organisations.
Launceston office opens
As we work with more industry partners from more sectors across Tasmania we’ve opened a second office for closer proximity to more of our team.